Automation Anywhere -RPA Legacy apps bot stopped working with Edge Chromium


Most of the bots are failing in object cloning while logging into SAP (Legacy apps) i.e., when bot is trying to open IE simultaneously it is opening edge as well with a blank screen and getting aborted due to compatibility issue. For this issue, our RPA tried to make below setting changes in Microsoft Edge and now we are not able to find those settings in edge (post upgrade to latest stable edge). .

Workaround used by the legacy app and Automation Anywhere bot:


The issue happens when the BOT runs, and the IE tries to launch and gets redirected to Edge.

  • Previously this was stopped by enabling the setting as below:

Edge – Settings – Default Browser – let Internet Explorer open Sites in Microsoft Edge = Never

After the Edge update the option is now disabled. This is recommended as the approach from Microsoft is to make all the sites open in Microsoft Edge.

As BOTs are triggered from SAP and the IE should be launched from within the application, we understand the dependency for IE11. However, we also would like to remind the update from Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ – Microsoft Community Hub

The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10.  IE11 visual references, such as the IE11 icons on the Start Menu and taskbar, will be removed by the June 2023 Windows security update (“B” release) scheduled for June 13, 2023.

We got into the call and followed the article Redirection from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge for compatibility with modern web sites | Microsoft Learn.

This is important to keep it enabled and give option (as earlier setting “let Internet Explorer open Sites in Microsoft Edge” ). Many modern websites have designs that are incompatible with Internet Explorer. Whenever an Internet Explorer user visits an incompatible site, they get a message that tells them the site is incompatible with their browser, and they need to manually switch to a different browser.

Disabling the redirection is not a recommended approach as it may impact other applications. However, we wanted to try if this helps the current issue.


RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode  = Disabled.

RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall  = Enabled (If you enable this policy, the BHO will not be installed. If it is already installed it will be uninstalled on the next Microsoft Edge update.)

We see even after the setting is applied via registry the issue is still not fixed. From our analysis we suspect the BHO must be disabled and even though we have enabled it the effect will happen in the next Microsoft Edge update.

Further, we cannot disable the BHO manually as the option from Internet options – Manage addons – IEToEdge BHO – enable /disable are greyed out.



  1. Value name : RedirectionMode
  2. Value type : REG_DWORD
  3. Data       : 0 (Never)

2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Ext\CLSID

  1. {1FD49718-1D00-4B19-AF5F-070AF6D5D54C} and set its data to 0

Reference:How to Stop Internet Explorer from Redirecting to Microsoft Edge » Winhelponline

Edge chromium – Clearbrowsercache

   This is a script for the cleanup of Edge browser cache on windows devices


	Default Parametername

	powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file Clearbrowsercache.ps1

	NAME:		<Clearbrowsercache>
	KEYWORDS:	Keyword1

	Author : Kamal  30/06/2023
	Version 1.0
Function main {

## Allows the use of -WhatIf

    ## LogFile path for the transcript to be written to
        $LogFile = ("C:\CMDMGMT\LOGS\"+"ClearEdgecache"+'.log'),

    ## All verbose outputs will get logged in the transcript($logFile)
        $VerbosePreference = "Continue",

    ## All errors should be withheld from the console
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

    ## Begin the timer
        $Starters = (Get-Date) 
	 ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'

        Start-Transcript -Path $LogFile
        Write-Verbose "Start time: $starters"
    ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
Function ClearEdgecache {

# Stop all instances of the Microsoft Edge browser
Get-Process -Name msedge | Stop-Process -Force

$Items = @('Archived History',
            'Login Data',
            'Top Sites',
            'Visited Links',
            'Web Data')
$Folder = "C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default"
$Items | % { 
    if (Test-Path "$Folder\$_") {
        Remove-Item "$Folder\$_" -Recurse -Force -EA SilentlyContinue -Verbose

 ## Completed Successfully!
 Write-Host (Stop-Transcript) -ForegroundColor Green

Microsoft Intune Management Extension – Win32 Apps

What is the Intune Management Extension

The Intune Management Extension is a complement to the out of the box windows management functions like the Mdmclient. The IME allows to install applications on managed systems or to execute e.g., PowerShell scripts. Additionally, the IME checks and reports the compliance state of your device.

How often does the IME sync

The IME syncs per default ever 60 min but you can change the time if you create a registry value Interval in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Settings. In this value you can specify the time in seconds.

Where can I find the logfiles

You can find the logfiles in the following folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs

AgentExecution.log: Logfile for troubleshooting of PowerShell or Proactive Remediation scripts.

ClientHealth.log: Write health events related to the IME and remediation action

IntuneManagementExtension.log: Logfile for installations of Intune Win applications

Sensor.log: Logging of subscribed events

Processing App

Search for the line —->>[Win32App] … from here the actual processing of the app starts

Installation checks

Before the installation can start, two checks are made. The first is a detection if the app is already installed and the second is if the app is applicable for this system this means does the system full fill the requirements of the app.

App Detection check

The detection check is to check if the app is already installed on the system or not. This can be a registry key or the existence of a file or an MSI product code. Addition to that there are also the possibility to write a PowerShell script for the detection. This check is configured during the app creation in Intune.

App Applicability / Requirements check

The applicability check is used to check if the system meets the requirements of the app like min disk space, OS architecture, OS version or you can also create custom checks for a file, registry key or a custom script. Also, this is configured during the creation of the app in Intune.

After that a new download job will be created. This is also where delivery optimization comes into play. The *.intune.bin file is now downloaded into the “C:\Program Files (x86) \Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Content\Incoming\” folder.

When the download is completed the Delivery Optimizations Service is notified that the download is done, and telemetry data is generated for the Deliver Optimization reporting. You can see how many bytes from which source (Internet/Lan/Group/MCC) are downloaded or how long the download took.

Finally, the file hash is checked and the intunewin.bin file is decrypted and unzipped. This *.intunewin file is now located in the “C:\Windows\IMECache\” folder.

App Installation

The detection logic runs based on the app and then they are progressing

for this, the installation script is executed. In our case it is the install.bat script. For the installation an installer process is started as a user or machine session. After the installation is finished the process is evaluated if it ended with an error or if the installation was successful. The status of the installation can be found in the registry: “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Win32Apps\user\appid “.

Completion of installation:

In the compliance phase, the compliance is checked based on the status of the installation and the app detection. This compliance status is written into the registry under: “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Win32Apps\user\appid\ComplianceStateMessage”. When this is done, the content of “C:\Program Files (x86) \Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Content\Incoming\” is deleted.

In the very last phase, a report of the installation is saved locally and sent to Intune. Additionally, also the IME Cache in “C:\Windows\IME Cache\” is cleaned to finally complete the installation.

Script to Add the Hostname for a URL

# Script to add the Hostname
# C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc - Hosts has been added newly

Function Test-hostname	{
## Allows the use of -WhatIf

    ## LogFile path for the transcript to be written to
        $LogFile = ("C:\xyz\LOGS\"+"Addtohosts"+'.log'),

    ## All verbose outputs will get logged in the transcript($logFile)
        $VerbosePreference = "Continue",

    ## All errors should be withheld from the console
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
  ## Hostname declaration and its IP
      ,[string]$DesiredIP = ""
    ,[string]$Hostname = ""
	,[bool]$CheckHostnameOnly = $false 
	  ## Begin the timer
        $Starters = (Get-Date) 
	 ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'

        Start-Transcript -Path $LogFile
        Write-Verbose "Start time: $starters"
    ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
# Adds entry to the hosts file.
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
$hostsFilePath = "$($Env:WinDir)\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts"
$hostsFile = Get-Content $hostsFilePath

Write-Host "About to add $desiredIP for $Hostname to hosts file" -ForegroundColor Gray

$escapedHostname = [Regex]::Escape($Hostname)
$patternToMatch = If ($CheckHostnameOnly) { ".*\s+$escapedHostname.*" } Else { ".*$DesiredIP\s+$escapedHostname.*" }
If (($hostsFile) -match $patternToMatch)  {
    Write-Host $desiredIP.PadRight(20," ") "$Hostname - not adding; already in hosts file" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Else {
    Write-Host $desiredIP.PadRight(20," ") "$Hostname - adding to hosts file... " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    Add-Content -Encoding UTF8  $hostsFilePath ("$DesiredIP".PadRight(20, " ") + "$Hostname")
    Write-Host " done"

RemoveAppxPackage – Windows OS

   This is AppxPackage removal script for the autopilot build devices


	Default Parametername

	powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file RemoveAppxPackage.ps1

	NAME:		<RemoveAppxPackage>
	AUTHOR:		Kamalakannan
	KEYWORDS:	Keyword1

	Author : Kamal 25/01/2023
	Version 1.0

Function main {

## Allows the use of -WhatIf

    ## LogFile path for the transcript to be written to
        $LogFile = ("C:\xyz\LOGS\"+"RemoveAppxPackage"+'.log'),

    ## All verbose outputs will get logged in the transcript($logFile)
        $VerbosePreference = "Continue",

    ## All errors should be withheld from the console
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

    ## Begin the timer
        $Starters = (Get-Date) 
	 ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'

        Start-Transcript -Path $LogFile
        Write-Verbose "Start time: $starters"
    ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
  Function Removeappx 
$applist = @("*communications*"
foreach ($app in $applist)
	Write-Host "Searching for Appx Provisioned Package: $app"
	Get-AppxPackage $app | Remove-AppxPackage
	$pkglist = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | Where-Object DisplayName -Like $app
	if ($pkglist -ne $null)
		foreach ($pkg in $pkglist)
			Write-Host "Removing Appx Provisioned Package: $app"
			Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online -packagename $pkg.PackageName
		Write-Host "Unable to find package $app"

    ## Completed Successfully!
        Write-Host (Stop-Transcript) -ForegroundColor Green



MECM Client Remediation -SMSAGENTHOST – Service Auto stopped


The SMSAGENTHOST service or CCMEXEC is going on stopped state straight after the CCMEVAL task scheduler remediation.


CCMREPAIR.EXE execution on the clients where the smsagent host or CCMEXEC is stopped would be remediated, since it’s the native client exe available in the client path “c:/windows/ccm/ccmrepair.exe” its considered as the solution rather than a workaround.


Unknown, MEMCM agent service goes down/stops immediately after CCMEvaluation is executed based on task scheduler health checks.

No client as per console but the SMS agent host service getting stopped.

Remediation: CCMRepair.exe to be executed.

Post remediation, the client actions are repaired & client is turned green & healthy!

How to uninstall Windows Default apps with PowerShell

By using PowerShell, we can uninstall Windows apps independently, one by one, but it is also possible to uninstall all the Windows apps at once with a single command. Moreover, we are also able to choose whether to remove Windows apps only from our user account or from all the user accounts on a computer if we want. Let’s see how to uninstall a single Windows app from PowerShell first, as promised.

List of Default apps and its package removal commandlet:

  • 3D Builder Get-AppxPackage 3dbuilder | Remove-AppxPackage
  • ACG Player Get-AppxPackage acg | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Alarms and Clock Get-AppxPackage alarms | Remove-AppxPackage
  • AV1 Codec Get-AppxPackage AV1VideoExtension | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Calculator Get-AppxPackage calculator | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Calendar and Mail Get-AppxPackage communications | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Cortana Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Camera Get-AppxPackage camera | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Disney+ Get-AppxPackage disney | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Dolby Access Get-AppxPackage dolbyaccess | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Feedback Hub Get-AppxPackage WindowsFeedbackHub | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Fitbit Coach Get-AppxPackage fitbitcoach | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Office Get-AppxPackage officehub | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Get Started Get-AppxPackage getstarted | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Music Get-AppxPackage zunemusic | Remove-AppxPackage
  • HEIF image support Get-AppxPackage HEIFImageExtension | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Get Help Get-AppxPackage GetHelp | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Maps Get-AppxPackage maps | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Microsoft Edge Get-AppxPackage MicrosoftEdge | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Microsoft Solitaire Collection Get-AppxPackage solitairecollection | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Microsoft To-Do Get-AppxPackage Todos | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Microsoft Teams Get-AppxPackage Teams | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Money Get-AppxPackage bingfinance | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Movies & TV Get-AppxPackage zunevideo | Remove-AppxPackage
  • News Get-AppxPackage bingnews | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Notepad Get-AppxPackage WindowsNotepad | Remove-AppxPackage
  • OneNote Get-AppxPackage onenote | Remove-AppxPackage
  • OneDrive Get-AppxPackage OneDriveSync | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Paint Get-AppxPackage Paint | Remove-AppxPackage
  • People Get-AppxPackage people | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Phone Companion Get-AppxPackage windowsphone | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Phototastic Collage Get-AppxPackage phototastic | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Photos Get-AppxPackage photos | Remove-AppxPackage
  • PicsArt Get-AppxPackage picsart | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Plex Get-AppxPackage plex | Remove-AppxPackage
  • PowerAutomate Get-AppxPackage PowerAutomateDesktop | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Screen and Sketch/Snipping Tool Get-AppxPackage ScreenSketch | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Skype Get-AppxPackage skypeapp | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Store Get-AppxPackage windowsstore | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Sticky Notes Get-AppxPackage MicrosoftStickyNotes | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Spotify Get-AppxPackage SpotifyMusic | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Sports Get-AppxPackage bingsports | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Voice Recorder Get-AppxPackage soundrecorder | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Weather Get-AppxPackage bingweather | Remove-AppxPackage
  • WebP image support Get-AppxPackage WebpImageExtension | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Windows Terminal Get-AppxPackage WindowsTerminal | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Xbox Get-AppxPackage xbox | Remove-AppxPackage
  • Your Phone Get-AppxPackage YourPhone | Remove-AppxPackage

Delivery Optimization – Autopilot Build devices


The current on-prem solution like the Configuration manager peer caching which is using the client settings, to save the bandwidth during the Autopilot build Pre-provisioning (Whit glove) process in corporate network, the content wont be downloaded multiple times over the same leased line from the CDN , isn’t it amazing you only download the content per subnet once then the binaries being shared- locally ?, how cost effective it would be for the organization , see below for further info.

How to configure ?

We do have the Intune Configuration profile to setup the same settings catalog for the Delivery optimization. – refer this for more info.

In group ID you want to choose your Prod – AD group ID, so that devices in that group only gets this policy default.

Delivery Optimization is a technology that’s shipped with Windows 10 and is active by default. It enables your computer to search the local network, LAN or WLAN, and download updates from neighbors, and only use the central site when needed.

By doing this, you will save both time and bandwidth while keeping your devices up to date.

How to check its working on your windows devices.

  1. Open the Start Menu, Click SettingsUpdate & Security.
  2. Click the Delivery Optimization button on your left to find the settings we are looking for.

When its managed by your organization , if its only local network the devices would have the above settings applied on it, you are free to configure and allow it download even from the Internet but it depends on one organization security policy.

The introduction of Delivery Optimization by Microsoft enabled us to streamline our update deployments. We are able to achieve high update compliance in remote offices, which has always been a challenge.

Also we have now b/w savings over the leased line by 38% when a device is connect to the office network!! and overall 23% in this Remote working scenario, isn’t it amazing what are you waiting for go-ahead and implement it today.

Disable the Consumer teams on the windows11

   This is for the Windows 11 build devices which gets the consumer version and work version of teams installed.


	Default Parametername

	powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file DisableTeamsforWindows11.ps1

	NAME:		<SystemTagging>
	AUTHOR:		Engineering
	KEYWORDS:	Keyword1

	Author : Kamal  14/09/2022
  	Version 1.0


Function main {

## Allows the use of -WhatIf

    ## LogFile path for the transcript to be written to
        $LogFile = ("C:\xyz\LOGS\"+"DisableTeamsconsumerInstallwforwindows11"+'.log'),

    ## All verbose outputs will get logged in the transcript($logFile)
        $VerbosePreference = "Continue",

    ## All errors should be withheld from the console
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

    ## Begin the timer
        $Starters = (Get-Date) 
	 ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'

        Start-Transcript -Path $LogFile
        Write-Verbose "Start time: $starters"
    ## Check $VerbosePreference variable, and turns -Verbose on
        Function global:Write-Verbose ( [string]$Message ) {
            if ( $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' ) {
                Write-Host "$Message" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
Function WriteToTeams	{
    $regRoot = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Communications"   
    $installDate = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") 
    $objScriptTime = New-Object -ComObject WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime
    $installDateDMTF = $objScriptTime.Value 
	md $regRoot -force
	New-ItemProperty $regRoot -Name "ConfigureChatAutoInstall"     -Value "0"     -PropertyType "String" -Force
    ## Completed Successfully!
        Write-Host (Stop-Transcript) -ForegroundColor Green

NameRemove Chat
DescriptionRemoves Windows 11 Teams Chat
Data typeInteger

Managing the Teams Chat icon on Windows 11 – Windows Client | Microsoft Docs – refer this link for the settings.

Getting rid of Teams (consumer), revisited – Out of Office Hours ( – we did this work based on the Mike blog.

Compliance for Needed patch count per device in a collection based on scan report

SELECT CS.Name0 AS [Server Name], CASE WHEN (SUM(CASE WHEN UCS.status = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) > 0 THEN (‘Needs ‘ + (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN UCS.status = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS varchar(10)) + ‘ Patches’)) ELSE ‘Good Client’ END AS ‘Status’, ws.LastHWScan AS ‘Last HW scan’, FCM.CollectionID
FROM v_UpdateComplianceStatus AS UCS LEFT OUTER JOIN
v_CICategories_All AS catall2 ON catall2.CI_ID = UCS.CI_ID INNER JOIN
v_CategoryInfo AS catinfo2 ON catall2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID = catinfo2.CategoryInstance_UniqueID AND catinfo2.CategoryTypeName = ‘UpdateClassification’ LEFT OUTER JOIN
v_FullCollectionMembership AS FCM ON FCM.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID
WHERE (UCS.Status = ‘2’) AND (FCM.CollectionID = ‘P01000xx’)
GROUP BY CS.Name0, ws.LastHWScan, FCM.CollectionID
ORDER BY [Server Name], ‘Last HW scan’, FCM.CollectionID